e-Learning Platform

19 January 2025
Click on a question below to see the answer.

Which Internet Browser is best to use?
The pages of this site have been optimised for viewing with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 and above. The site is also compatible with recent versions of Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome and Opera.
Nothing happens when I click to launch a module?
This site is using pop-up windows. Pop-up blockers installed on your computer may prevent this site from running as expected. Try to press the 'Ctrl' key down while clicking on a link to override pop-up blocking.

You may have a pop-up blocker running if you have installed toolbars from other sites on your browser (e.g. Google, Yahoo, etc.). Anti-virus or firewall security packages can also be configured to block pop-ups. If you are using the latest Microsoft Windows security options, your browser itself may be blocking pop-up windows. Please add this website to your list of allowed sites from the Tools/Pop-up Blocker/Pop-up Blocker Settings menu of your browser.

It is a requirement that pop-ups be enabled for this website. If you need assistance in removing pop-up blockers from your computer, please contact your IT Helpdesk.

The online learning modules require an up-to-date Adobe® Flash™ Player.

To update your player please do the following:
  1. Go to http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer

  2. Please un-tick the tick-box for the Yahoo® Toolbar™

  3. Click on the 'Install Now' button.
When the installation is complete, please attempt to take the training again. If you still encounter problems, please contact enquiry@mills-reeve.com.
What support is available to me throughout the course?
Please contact us at enquiry@mills-reeve.com, we will aim to respond to your query within a day.
Who do I contact to suggest new topics for e-learning modules?
To suggest additional topics to cover on e-learning contact enquiry@mills-reeve.com.
Can I undertake part of a lesson and come back to the rest?
Yes, your progress is bookmarked so you can come back at continue from where you left off.
Can I revisit the content once I have completed the module?
You can access the module as many times as you want while your licence is valid. However, once you have successfully completed the assessment, you cannot improve your score.
Can I change my e-mail or password?
Yes, you can change your e-mail address or your password. Once you are logged in, please click on the My details tab.
Welcome to Mills & Reeve e-Learning
This e-learning platform hosts a range of online learning modules, allowing our clients to deploy training online within their organisations.

It complements existing classroom training that we deliver and is a user friendly system that gives flexibility and consistency in the deployment of training.

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